#!/usr/bin/perl my $DEBUG = 0; my $LOGNAME = '/var/log/maillog'; my $GNU_DATE = '/bin/date'; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use POSIX; use Sys::Hostname; my $HOSTNAME = hostname(); my %CF; $CF{'output'}->{short} = 1; my $result = GetOptions( 'help|h' => \$CF{'help'}, 'range|r=s' => \$CF{'time'}, 'brief|b' => \$CF{'brief'}, 'from|f=s' => \$CF{'from'}, 'no-link|nl' => \$CF{'nolink'}, 'long-output|lo' => sub { $CF{'output'}->{short} = 0 }, 'debug|d' => sub { $DEBUG = 1 } ); if ($CF{'help'}) { print < 3 days). SEARCH_TERM: Can be a simple string or a perl regular expression to match. Note that if a single ACTION in a transaction matches, the whole transaction will be captured. Example usage: # Search for all email transactions over last day. $0 # Find all deferred transactions over last 2 days $0 -r 2d eferred # Find all transactions over last 4 days, without linking # related transactions together, that involved you\@yourdomain. $0 -r 4d -nl you\@yourdomain.com # Find all transactions that had DSN errors on 12/13 and 12/14. $0 -r 1d -f '12/14/2003 23:59:59' DSN EOF exit; } # Set END timel user specified or now. if ($CF{'from'}) { $CF{'from'} = `$GNU_DATE -d "$CF{from}" +%s`; } else { $CF{from} = time; } # Everything else is a search my $SEARCH = join('|', @ARGV) || undef; my @hits = (); my $time_filter = time2filter($CF{'time'}, $CF{'from'}); #warn $time_filter; my %RECORDS; my %KEYS; my @IDS; my %REFER; my @FILES = (); # Set up files so we see them in oldest -> newest order for (my $i = 9; $i >= 0; $i--) { push(@FILES, " $LOGNAME.$i") if -r "$LOGNAME.$i"; } push(@FILES, "$LOGNAME"); for my $FILE (@FILES) { open(MAIL, "< $FILE") || die "Can't open read pipe from $FILE: $!\n"; while () { next unless m/(sendmail|idle|DATA|read|\[[\d.]+\])\[(\d+)\]:/; my $state = $1; my $pid = $2; debug("PID: $pid STATE: $state "); next unless $pid; chomp($_); s/\s+$//; my $line = $_; # Get rid of date my $date = (m/^(\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)/)[0]; debug("DATE: $date "); s#^.+?[A-Za-z]\[\d+\]:\s+##; my $id = (m/(\S+):/)[0]; s/^.*?${id}://; next unless $id; debug("ID: $id\n"); # If we started to put together a transaction, # don't miss parts just because it falls outside # of date range or SEARCH .. if one part has matched, # whole thing should match. if (! exists $RECORDS{$id}) { next unless $date =~ /$time_filter/; } debug("GOTCHA: $id\n"); my $record = { pid => $pid, state => $state }; $record->{date} = $date; $record->{raw} = $line; if ($line =~ m/SYSERR(?:\((\w+)\)):/) { my $user = $1 || "N/A"; my $msg = $line; $msg =~ s/^.+SYSERR(?:\(\w+\)):\s+//; $record->{error_type} = 'SYSERR'; $record->{error_msg} = $msg; if (! $CF{'nolink'}) { if ($msg =~ m/(\S+):/) { $REFER{$1} = $id; debug("SYSERR linked from $id -> $1\n"); } } } elsif ($line =~ m/DSN:/) { my $msg = $line; m/(\S+): DSN/; $record->{refer} = $1; $REFER{$record->{refer}} = $id; debug("DSN linked from $id -> $1\n"); $msg =~ s/^.+DSN:\s+//; $record->{error_type} = 'DSN'; $record->{error_msg} = $msg; } else { # Fields separated by ', ' .. subsep = my @fields = split(', ', $_); for my $field (@fields) { my ($key, $value) = split('=', $field, 2); $key =~ s/^\s+//; $key =~ s/\s+$//; if (! defined $value) { $record->{msg} = $key; if (! $CF{'nolink'}) { if ($record->{msg} =~ m/(\S+):/) { $REFER{$1} = $id; debug("MSG linked from $id -> $1\n"); } } } else { $record->{$key} = $value; } } } my $linked = 0; if (! $CF{'nolink'}) { # See if we refer to anyone else .. if so, add ourselves # to them .. we are the child adding ourselves to # the end of the parent. my $KEY_MATCH = join('|', keys %KEYS); my @keys = (); if (@keys = ($_ =~ m/\b($KEY_MATCH)\b/g)) { for my $key (@keys) { next if $key eq $id; my $newrec = {%{$record}}; $newrec->{link} = $id; my $ref = $RECORDS{$id}; unshift(@{$RECORDS{$key}}, $newrec); # FIND ALL RECORDs WITH no link key # from this transaction and add em. if (defined $ref) { my @records = @{$RECORDS{$id}}; for my $rec (reverse @records) { next if exists $rec->{link}; my $new = {%{ $rec }}; $new->{link} = $id; unshift(@{$RECORDS{$key}}, $new); $linked = 1; } } } } # If an error occurred, we could be a part of it # ... append ourselves to the original message. if (exists $REFER{$id} && exists $RECORDS{$REFER{$id}}) { my $refid = $REFER{$id}; my @records = @{$RECORDS{$refid}}; my $newrec = {%{$record}}; $newrec->{link} = $id; push(@{$RECORDS{$refid}}, $newrec); } } unless ($id =~ /\d+/) { LOOK: for my $key (keys %RECORDS) { my @recs = @{$RECORDS{$key}}; for my $one (@recs) { if ($one->{pid} == $pid) { next if exists $one->{link}; next unless exists $one->{arg2}; my $newrec = {%{$record}}; $newrec->{link} = $id; push(@{$RECORDS{$key}}, $newrec); } } } } else { push(@{$RECORDS{$id}}, $record); push(@IDS, $id) unless exists $KEYS{$id}; $KEYS{$id} = 1; } } } close(MAIL); if ($CF{brief}) { } sub bytrans { my $ta = ($a =~ m/(\d+)$/)[0]; my $tb = ($b =~ m/(\d+)$/)[0]; $ta <=> $tb; } for my $id (@IDS) { my @records = @{$RECORDS{$id}}; my $matched = 0; for my $rec (@records) { if ($rec->{raw} =~ /$SEARCH/) { $matched = 1; last; } } next unless $matched == 1; print "Transaction $id:\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@records); $i++) { my $record = $records[$i]; if ($CF{'output'}->{'short'} == 1) { printf("%4d: %-15s %-10s ", ($i+1), $record->{date}, $record->{state}); my $type; if ($record->{from}) { if ($record->{from} =~ m/\@/) { $type = 'RELAY IN'; } else { $type = 'MAIL'; $type .= " **SUSPICIOUS** " if $record->{from} =~ /^\s*?\s*$/; } my $relay = $record->{relay}; my $mech = $record->{mech}; if ($relay =~ / { $type .= ' FROM LOCAL'; } elsif ($relay =~ /(\w+)\@localhost/) { $type .= " FROM LOCAL USER $1"; } else { if ($relay =~ /$HOSTNAME/) { $type .= ' FROM ME'; } else { $type .= ' FROM REMOTE'; } } if ($mech) { $type .= ' AUTHENTICATED MUA'; } else { $type .= ' MTA' if $record->{from} =~ /\@/; } $type .= " [$record->{size} bytes]"; } elsif ($record->{to}) { $type = "DELIVER"; my $mailer = $record->{mailer}; if ($mailer =~ /virthostmail/) { $type .= ' LOCAL VIRTUAL HOST'; } elsif ($mailer =~ /mail/) { $type .= ' LOCAL'; } elsif ($mailer =~ /local/) { $type .= ' LOCAL USER'; } else { $type = 'RELAY OUT'; if ($record->{dsn} =~ /^2/) { $type .= ' (SUCCESS)'; } elsif ($record->{dsn} =~ /^4/) { $type .= ' (TEMP FAIL)'; } elsif ($record->{dsn} =~ /^5/) { $type .= ' (PERM FAIL)'; } } } elsif ($record->{arg1}) { $type = "REJECT"; } elsif ($record->{error_type}) { $type = "ERROR"; } elsif ($record->{msg}) { $type = "ERROR"; } else { $type = "UNKNOWN"; print "\n KEYS: " . join(',', keys %{$record}); print "\n VALS: " . join(',', values %{$record}); } if ($record->{link}) { $type .= " (* $record->{link})"; } print $type; if ($record->{from}) { print "\n FROM: $record->{from}"; print "\n RELAY: $record->{relay}"; print "\n MECH: $record->{mech}" if $record->{mech}; } elsif ($record->{to}) { print "\n TO: $record->{to}"; print "\n MAILER: $record->{mailer}"; print "\n RELAY: $record->{relay}"; } elsif ($record->{arg1}) { print "\n RELAY: $record->{relay}"; print "\n REJECT: $record->{reject}"; } elsif ($record->{error_type}) { print "\n TYPE: $record->{error_type}"; print "\n MSG: $record->{error_msg}"; print "\n REFER: $record->{refer}"; } elsif ($record->{msg}) { print "\n TYPE: $record->{link}"; print "\n MSG: $record->{msg}"; } if ($record->{stat}) { print "\n STAT: $record->{stat}"; if ($record->{stat} =~ /eferred/) { print "\n DELAY: $record->{delay}"; print "\n XDELAY: $record->{xdelay}"; } } print "\n"; } else { print " Action " . ($i+1) . "\n"; for my $field (sort keys %{$record}) { next if $field eq 'raw'; print " $field: $record->{$field}\n"; } } } } ######## # SUBS # ######## sub fmt { my $fmt = shift; return POSIX::strftime($fmt, @_); } sub time2filter { my $spec = shift; my $start = shift; my ($value, $type) = ($spec =~ m/(\d+)(\w)/); $type = lc($type); $value = 0 unless $value; $type = 'd' unless $type; # Dec 14 04:04:01 my @parts; my $interval = 0; my $template; if ($type eq 'd') { $template = "%b %e"; $interval = 86400; } elsif ($type eq 'h') { $template = "%b %e %H"; $interval = 3600; } else { $template = "%b %e %H:%M"; $interval = 60; } # 1 hour ago would be this hour + 1, etc. $value++; while ($value >= 1) { push(@parts, fmt($template, localtime($start - (($value-1)*$interval)))); $value--; } return '^(?:' . join('|', @parts) . ')'; } sub debug { return if $DEBUG != 1; my $msg = shift; print $msg; }